BWC Series 1: Tokenized Carbon

169 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
169 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

Hackathon Begins
starts on:
Apr 22, 2023, 04:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 15, 2023, 06:59 AM UTC (UTC)



Build something that leverages the fact that with Toucan, it's easier to buy and sell credits than ever before.

  • A carbon storefront: set up a storefront to sell credits available in our pools
  • Automated buying product: trigger credit purchases on events like an e-commerce transaction
    • Real-time offsetting based on similar triggers e.g. Uber ride, streaming a movie
  • Develop an improved pool design that solves the tendency for the price to drift downwards
  • Implement an automated regression market maker in Solidity

Tokenized carbon registries are open by design. Anyone can retire credits, including in sub-tonne denominations. Retirements can be automated. Data about retirements can be fetched from the Graph. With the Open Climate Registry, we can build better tools for making stronger net zero claims. This is important because we need everyone contributing to climate action, and if we can build tools to help companies who genuinely want to participate step up without being accused of greenwashing, we can unlock a lot of resources to support impact creators.

  • Develop a tool to confirm whether an account’s retirement portfolio on Toucan meets Climate Neutral’s Requirements for Emissions Compensation.
  • Can this tool be generalized to query Toucan’s retirement records based on a list of accounts, date windows, retirement beneficiary, and a query string or hashtag in the retirement detail?
  • Could you create a tool to let anyone customize which credits are eligible? Based on issuing standard, methodology, vintage, proportion of portfolio, etc.
  • Bonus: whitelist an account for a hypercert if it is eligible
  • Build a climate impact dashboard where we can explore an account’s retirement portfolio based on vintage, methodology, pathway, etc - Make it verifiable: can anyone drill down past the aggregate dashboard and examine each individual retirement transaction on a blockscanner?
  • Build a leaderboard that can show climate action portfolios based on account, retirement beneficiary, or some hashtag in the retirement detail - Can you filter the leaderboard so only retirements that meet certain quality criteria appear? i.e. “Nature-based carbon retirements leaderboard” or “2021 vintage retirements leaderboard”

Show why tokenized carbon credits should live on public blockchains — build something that takes advantage of their composability. - Integrate carbon tokens, pool tokens, or other related tokens (LP tokens, etc) into existing DeFi protocols in a new way to bring more utility to tokenized carbon (i.e. loans, options, DEXes, etc)

  • Call-out: We have a Witnet price feed for NCT/cUSD on Celo — what could you build with this?
  • Build a dapp that uses the advanced functionality of Toucan’s token contracts, specifically deposit and redeem for the carbon pools, and retire for the TCO2 tokens
  • Write a contract where whenever it receives a token, the contract automatically swaps the token for NCT, then auto-redeems and retires TCO2s. Could you include a custom retirement message?
  • Build an basket retirement dapp, where retirement actions retire a set of different TCO2 tokens
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